Putting Myself Out There!

I was moved by a blog post by Seth Godin, in which he said "time doesn't scale... but bravery does" and that it's no longer enough to be "busy" and work longer than the next guy to get ahead. It's the innovators... the creators that get head!

Today, I've taken a very brave step to launch this site. A step I've been dreaming of for years. And, thanks to the help of a great supporters, I launch it today.

I've taken my first brave step to put myself out there, to position myself ahead creatively of the rest and FINALLY to show the world what I have to offer. I may not have the time, but then again, who really does? But I do have the confidence to know I am great and the guts to press publish and share myself with the world!

I challenge you to find your true passion in life, embrace it and FINALLY take that brave first step. It's never too late.